Game Update - v1.3 ?11431
Minor changes and bug fixes.

[ItA] = Into the Abyss only
[AoD] = Atlas of Discovery only
Changes & Balancing
- [ItA] Changed Obstacle Tier 4-2 Gloomite Ore cost to Brumite to match the Mining level requirements.
- [ItA] Removed Chicken Soup requirement from ItA cooking recipes in favour of Abyssal Allotment items.
- [ItA] Fixed many inconsistencies with Defence values on ItA equipment. This should fix issues where items that you want to equip for the reversed combat triangle would actually provide a negative bonus to the enemy’s damage type (rather than a positive). This change only affects accuracy.
- [ItA] Fixed inconsistencies with strength bonus values on Javelins and Throwing Knives.
- [ItA] Fixed cost reduction not applying to non-shard items in Summoning
- [ItA] Fixed Corruption Effect 10 not matching description
- [ItA] Fix Abyssal XP displayed in Township for defeating an Abyssal Wave not including bonuses. This bug was only visual, and the correct amount of Abyssal XP was always provided.
- [AoD] Fixed being able to spam click the Skill selection button in Ancient Relics mode, causing multiple levels to be provided.
- Fixed some damage based on current/max HP not being capped from the change in v1.3
- Fixed Firemaking not updating log selection automatically on level up.
- Fix incorrect image for dungeons in combat game guide
- Replaced damageDealtToXAreaMonsters with new scoped damageDealtToAreaMonsters modifier
- Added CombatArea modifier scope source
- Added data modifications for pet stats
- Adjust IModifierScopeSource to be namespaced object + added registry