Game Update - v1.3.1
This update focuses on the Into the Abyss expansion with a new Realm Select, QoL and more.

99% of the below relates to the Into the Abyss Expansion. Notes that affect the whole game will be marked as [All].
- Implemented a new Realm Select. This appears in the sidebar instead of within Skills themselves.
- Added an “Enter/Leave Abyssal Realm” option in the Sidebar, allowing you to easily enter/exit the Abyssal Realm. It will show as locked if not available.
- Added “Select Realm” sidebar menu item that will appear if more than 2 visible Realms are available, allowing you to change Realms from here.
- Skills with category selection (Like Artisan Skills) will now only display categories from the Realm you are currently in.
- Combat will now only show Categories that contain at least 1 area from the Realm you are currently in.
- Skills in the sidebar will now have a slightly transparent look if they contain no content for the Realm you are currently in.
- The Abyssal Realm now applies a special theme to the Sidebar when inside.
- Added a new Setting to re-enable the Legacy Realm selection for those who prefer that over the new one.
- Added a Pet hint text to Area Info for Strongholds mentioning that it only drops from Superior Tier.
- [All] Added Bank Filters via a new icon next to the Bank Tab summary. This allows you to show/hide items based on some predefined filters. Those with Into the Abyss will see more filters than those who don’t own it.
- [All] Added combination runes setting to the My Runes page in Combat.
- [All] Add colour coding of requirements to Upgrade Item popup.
New Settings:
- “Use Legacy Realm Selection” - Disabled by default - Hides the new Sidebar Realm Selection options and enables the old Realm Selection in all Skills.
- “Always show Legacy Realm Selection in Agility” - Enabled by default - Will enable the legacy Realm Selection in Agility only, allowing you to quickly switch back and forth between Realms within the Skill without affecting the other Skills.
- “Set Skill in Sidebar to slightly transparent if there is no content for the current Realm (New Realm select only).” - Enabled by default - Skills will show as transparent in the Sidebar if they have no content for the current Realm. Only works if using the new Realm Selection.
General Changes & Balance
- Abyssal Combat Areas are now called Abyssal Battlegrounds. Modifier descriptions have also been updated for the new name.
- Abyssal Slayer Areas are now called Abyssal Slayer Regions. Modifier descriptions have also been updated for the new name.
- Changing Realms will now change the Realm for ALL Skills (unless using the Legacy Realm selection setting).
- Added Witherlyme Seed drop to WIthering Ruins Thieving area as a unique area drop
- Added Whispertallow Seed drop to Silent Crypt Thieving area as a unique area drop
- Added Echosnap Seed drop to Void Vaults Thieving area as a unique area drop
- Increased Void Essence drop quantity in Void Vaults Thieving area to 2, up from 1.
- Shadow Tormentor now drops up to 10 Gloomite Throwing Knives, down from 30
- Abyssal Bat now drops up to 10 Abyssium Throwing Knives, down from 15.
- Abyssal Smithing now creates a base quantity of 2 Throwing Knives, down from 4.
- [All] Runecrafting now displays a separate section for Rune cost reduction in its source tooltip.
Recipe Costs
- Heavily reduced the costs to create Arrows, Javelins, Bolts and Crossbows in Fletching.
- Removed one Item from the recipe cost of most Rings & Amulets in Crafting
- Reduced the quantity required of Rings & Amulets required for upgraded version (II).
- Removed the Ring/Amulet item requirement for Obzurian Rings & Amulets in Crafting.
- Removed the Brumite Bar cost for Gloomite Gear in Smithing.
- Removed the Gloomite Bar cost for Witherite Gear in Smithing.
- Halved the Witherite Bar cost quantity for Netherite Gear in Smithing.
Weapon Balance
- Reduced all Abyssal Throwing Knife special attack chances down to 25%, from 50%.
- Reduced all Abyssal Throwing Knife Ranged Strength Bonuses by 25%
- Increased Ranged Strength Bonus of all Abyssal Crossbows by 10%
- Increased Ranged Strength Bonus for all Abyssal Arrows by 5%
- Increased Melee Strength Bonus of all Abyssal 2H Swords by 10%
- Increased Special Attack chance of all Abyssal Smithable Swords (not 2H) by 15%
- Increased Magic Damage Bonus of all Abyssal Wands by 3%
- Increased Magic Damage Bonus of all Abyssal Staves by 4%
XP Balancing
We’ve reworked the early to mid-game XP rates for Into the Abyss, allowing progression in the early stages to be a lot faster for Non-Combat Skills. This will allow you to get straight into ItA content without the long early-game waits.
Summary: All the new XP values are higher than before the update.
- Abyssia Tree: 602 -> 1204
- Twisted Tree: 1016 -> 2032
- Brumia Tree: 1239 -> 2168
- Plagueroot Tree: 2127 -> 3190
- Gloomia Tree: 3083 -> 4624
- Shadebark Tree: 4242 -> 5514
- Withia Tree: 6186 -> 7423
- Crumbletain Tree: 7542 -> 9050
- Nethia Tree: 11264 -> 12390
- Whisperwillow Tree: 16494 -> 17318
- Raw Crimson Biter: 688 -> 1376
- Raw Crimson Bream: 1434 -> 2868
- Raw Veilhunter: 1377 -> 2409
- Raw Mistjaw: 2125 -> 3718
- Raw Steamswimmer: 5123 -> 7684
- Raw Toxic Pufferfish: 2427 -> 3640
- Raw Toxic Crab: 3700 -> 4810
- Raw Stoneskin Pike: 7009 -> 9111
- Raw Toxic Octopus: 13978 -> 18171
- Raw Stoneskin Garfish: 11421 -> 13705
- Raw Whisperfish: 2526 -> 3031
- Raw Murmurclaw: 8602 -> 9462
- Raw Depthlurker: 15019 -> 16520
- Raw Hushscale: 20402 -> 21422
- Raw Deep Squid: 44864 -> 47107
- Abyssia Logs: 2835 -> 5670
- Twisted Logs: 4295 -> 8590
- Brumia Logs: 5549 -> 9710
- Plagueroot Logs: 9233 -> 13849
- Gloomia Logs: 11529 -> 17293
- Shadebark Logs: 16529 -> 21487
- Withia Logs: 23267 -> 27920
- Crumbletain Logs: 32342 -> 38810
- Nethia Logs: 36143 -> 39757
- Whisperwillow Logs: 59689 -> 62673
- Crimson Biter: 1855 -> 3710
- Baked Biter Pie: 1450 -> 2900
- Crimson Bream: 2577 -> 5154
- Crimson Bream Soup: 1950 -> 3412
- Veilhunter: 3515 -> 6151
- Abyssal Pumpkin Pie: 2542 -> 4448
- Steamswimmer: 5199 -> 7798
- Steamswimmer Soup: 3294 -> 4941
- Toxic Crab: 5698 -> 7407
- Toxic Crab Cream Soup: 3614 -> 4698
- Stoneskin Pike: 7438 -> 9669
- Stoneskin Pepper: 5394 -> 7012
- Toxic Octopus: 9719 -> 12634
- Toxic Octopus Stew: 6169 -> 7402
- Shadenut Cookie: 7729 -> 9274
- Whisperfish: 12895 -> 15474
- Whisperfish Pizza: 9426 -> 11311
- Murmurclaw: 14187 -> 15605
- Murmurclaw Cream Soup: 9076 -> 9983
- Depthlurker: 16879 -> 18566
- Withermelon Tart: 12264 -> 13490
- Hushscale: 19585 -> 20564
- Hushscale Pepper: 14325 -> 15041
- Deep Squid: 28215 -> 29625
- Abyssal Essence: 72 -> 144
- Abyssium Ore: 258 -> 516
- Nightopal: 537 -> 1074
- Abycite: 465 -> 813
- Azurian Outcrop: 490 -> 857
- Brumite Ore: 638 -> 957
- Shadowpearl: 1121 -> 1681
- Mysticite: 848 -> 1102
- Gloomite Ore: 1107 -> 1439
- Obsidian Outcrop: 1428 -> 1713
- Witherite Ore: 1810 -> 2172
- Moonstone: 3516 -> 3867
- Echocite: 3535 -> 3711
- Abyssium Bar: 151 -> 302
- Abyssium Dagger: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Throwing Knife: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Arrowtips: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Sword: 302 -> 604
- Abyssium Helmet: 603 -> 1206
- Abyssium Boots: 603 -> 1206
- Abyssium Javelin Heads: 603 -> 1206
- Abyssium 2H Sword: 905 -> 1583
- Abyssium Crossbow Head: 905 -> 1583
- Abyssal Headless Bolts: 302 -> 528
- Abyssium Platelegs: 905 -> 1583
- Abyssium Platebody: 1509 -> 2640
- Brumite Bar: 343 -> 600
- Brumite Dagger: 687 -> 1202
- Brumite Throwing Knife: 687 -> 1202
- Brumite Arrowtips: 687 -> 1202
- Brumite Sword: 687 -> 1030
- Brumite Helmet: 1373 -> 2059
- Brumite Boots: 1373 -> 2059
- Brumite Javelin Heads: 1373 -> 2059
- Brumite 2H Sword: 2060 -> 3090
- Brumite Crossbow Head: 2060 -> 3090
- Brumite Platelegs: 2060 -> 2678
- Brumite Platebody: 3433 -> 4462
- Gloomite Bar: 991 -> 1288
- Gloomite Dagger: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Throwing Knife: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Arrowtips: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Sword: 1982 -> 2576
- Gloomite Helmet: 3964 -> 4756
- Gloomite Boots: 3964 -> 4756
- Gloomite Javelin Heads: 3964 -> 4756
- Gloomite 2H Sword: 5946 -> 7135
- Gloomite Crossbow Head: 5946 -> 7135
- Gloomite Platelegs: 5946 -> 7135
- Gloomite Platebody: 9910 -> 10901
- Witherite Bar: 2292 -> 2521
- Witherite Dagger: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Throwing Knife: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Arrowtips: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Sword: 4584 -> 5042
- Witherite Helmet: 9167 -> 10083
- Witherite Boots: 9167 -> 9625
- Witherite Javelin Heads: 9167 -> 9625
- Witherite 2H Sword: 13751 -> 14438
- Witherite Crossbow Head: 13751 -> 14438
- Witherite Platelegs: 13751 -> 14438
- Witherite Platebody: 22918 -> 24063
- Netherite Bar: 5151 -> 5408
- Netherite Dagger: 10303 -> 10818
- Netherite Throwing Knife: 10303 -> 10818
- Azurian Bar: 467 -> 817
- Obsidian Bar: 1904 -> 2284
- Obzurian Bar: 6188 -> 6497
- Turned Man: 526 -> 1052
- Turned Woman: 674 -> 1348
- Blighted Dryad: 947 -> 1657
- Turned Farmer: 1295 -> 2266
- Dark Shade: 1473 -> 2209
- Blighted Treant: 1814 -> 2721
- Dark Wraithlurker: 2242 -> 2914
- Withering Gargoyle: 2512 -> 3265
- Dark Shadowmancer: 3061 -> 3673
- Withering Golem: 3366 -> 4039
- Silent Poltergeist: 3975 -> 4372
- Silent Wanderer: 4640 -> 5104
- Void Envoy: 5274 -> 5537
- Abyssium Arrows: 310 -> 620
- Twisted Shortbow: 382 -> 764
- Twisted Longbow: 495 -> 990
- Abyssium Javelin: 619 -> 1238
- Nightopal Bolts: 1001 -> 1751
- Abyssium Crossbow: 768 -> 1344
- Brumite Arrows: 751 -> 1314
- Plagueroot Shortbow: 943 -> 1650
- Plagueroot Longbow: 1228 -> 1842
- Brumite Javelin: 1546 -> 2319
- Shadowpearl Bolts: 1921 -> 2497
- Brumite Crossbow: 1660 -> 2158
- Gloomite Arrows: 1328 -> 1726
- Shadebark Shortbow: 1719 -> 2234
- Shadebark Longbow: 2247 -> 2696
- Gloomite Javelin: 2464 -> 2956
- Moonstone Bolts: 4158 -> 4989
- Gloomite Crossbow: 2970 -> 3564
- Witherite Arrows: 2612 -> 2873
- Crumbletain Shortbow: 3507 -> 3857
- Crumbletain Longbow: 3732 -> 4105
- Witherite Javelin: 5045 -> 5549
- Voidheart Bolts: 8776 -> 9214
- Witherite Crossbow: 5894 -> 6188
- Netherite Arrows: 3300 -> 3465
- Abyssal Leather Boots: 464 -> 928
- Azurian Nightopal Ring I: 595 -> 1190
- Abyssal Leather Legs: 497 -> 994
- Azurian Shadowpearl Ring I: 638 -> 1276
- Azurian Nightopal Amulet I: 638 -> 1276
- Abyssal Leather Body: 544 -> 1088
- Azurian Moonstone Ring I: 698 -> 1396
- Azurian Shadowpearl Amulet I: 698 -> 1396
- Azurian Voidheart Ring I: 763 -> 1526
- Azurian Moonstone Amulet I: 763 -> 1526
- Harvesting Consumable I: 265 -> 530
- Abyssia Coif: 644 -> 1288
- Azurian Voidheart Amulet I: 731 -> 1462
- Corrupted Light Consumable I: 287 -> 502
- Abyssia Legs: 768 -> 1344
- Abyssia Body: 912 -> 1596
- Azurian Nightopal Ring II: 1188 -> 2079
- Dark Summon Consumable I: 311 -> 544
- Azurian Shadowpearl Ring II: 1301 -> 2276
- Azurian Nightopal Amulet II: 1301 -> 2276
- Azurian Moonstone Ring II: 1412 -> 2471
- Azurian Shadowpearl Amulet II: 1412 -> 2471
- Azurian Voidheart Ring II: 1546 -> 2319
- Azurian Moonstone Amulet II: 1546 -> 2319
- Azurian Voidheart Amulet II: 1693 -> 2539
- Toxicity Consumable I: 345 -> 517
- Brumia Coif: 1412 -> 2118
- Abyssal Essence Consumable I: 390 -> 585
- Brumia Legs: 1424 -> 1851
- Brumia Body: 1697 -> 2206
- Obsidian Nightopal Ring I: 2288 -> 2974
- Shade Consumable I: 446 -> 579
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Ring I: 2508 -> 3260
- Obsidian Nightopal Amulet I: 2508 -> 3260
- Obsidian Moonstone Ring I: 2728 -> 3546
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Amulet I: 2728 -> 3546
- Obsidian Voidheart Ring I: 2989 -> 3885
- Obsidian Moonstone Amulet I: 2989 -> 3885
- Obsidian Voidheart Amulet I: 3276 -> 4258
- Fear Consumable I: 513 -> 666
- Gloomia Coif: 2644 -> 3172
- Abyssal Resist Consumable I: 590 -> 708
- Gloomia Legs: 2970 -> 3564
- Deep Wounds Consumable I: 590 -> 708
- Gloomia Body: 3547 -> 3901
- Obsidian Nightopal Ring II: 4966 -> 5462
- Withering Consumable I: 679 -> 746
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Ring II: 5447 -> 5991
- Obsidian Nightopal Amulet II: 5447 -> 5991
- Obsidian Moonstone Ring II: 5934 -> 6527
- Obsidian Shadowpearl Amulet II: 5934 -> 6527
- Obsidian Voidheart Ring II: 6508 -> 7158
- Obsidian Moonstone Amulet II: 6508 -> 7158
- Obsidian Voidheart Amulet II: 7139 -> 7852
- Silence Consumable I: 779 -> 856
- Withia Coif: 3732 -> 4105
- Soul Harvesting Consumable I: 889 -> 933
- Withia Legs: 5894 -> 6188
- Withia Body: 7054 -> 7406
- Obzurian Melee Breaker Ring: 10503 -> 11028
- Item Cost Consumable I: 1011 -> 1061
- Obzurian Ranged Impactor Ring: 11526 -> 12102
- Obzurian Critical Strike Amulet: 11526 -> 12102
- Abyss Rune: 332 -> 664
- Abyssal Staff: 670 -> 1340
- Ire Rune: 356 -> 712
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Hat: 785 -> 1570
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Boots: 930 -> 1860
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Legs: 1113 -> 2226
- Abyssal Elite Wizard Robes: 1321 -> 2311
- Abyssal Wand: 1568 -> 2744
- Brume Rune: 665 -> 1163
- Fury Rune: 940 -> 1410
- Brume Staff: 2233 -> 3349
- Abyssal Master Wizard Hat: 2233 -> 3349
- Brume Master Wizard Hat: 2445 -> 3667
- Abyssal Master Wizard Boots: 2656 -> 3984
- Brume Master Wizard Boots: 2909 -> 4363
- Abyssal Master Wizard Legs: 3186 -> 4779
- Umbral Rune: 1013 -> 1519
- Brume Master Wizard Legs: 3462 -> 5193
- Abyssal Master Wizard Robes: 3040 -> 4560
- Brume Master Wizard Robes: 3793 -> 4930
- Brume Wand: 4155 -> 5401
- Gloom Rune: 1588 -> 2064
- Wrath Rune: 1893 -> 2460
- Gloom Staff: 5678 -> 7381
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Hat: 5678 -> 7381
- Brume Mystic Wizard Hat: 6223 -> 8089
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Boots: 6772 -> 8126
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Hat: 6772 -> 8126
- Brume Mystic Wizard Boots: 7424 -> 8908
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Legs: 8138 -> 9765
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Boots: 8138 -> 9765
- Shade Rune: 2396 -> 2875
- Brume Mystic Wizard Legs: 8860 -> 10632
- Abyssal Mystic Wizard Robes: 4996 -> 5995
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Legs: 9714 -> 11656
- Brume Mystic Wizard Robes: 9714 -> 11656
- Gloom Wand: 10651 -> 12781
- Gloom Mystic Wizard Robes: 11600 -> 13920
- Wither Rune: 2979 -> 3276
- Hollow Rune: 3560 -> 3916
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Hat: 9401 -> 10341
- Wither Staff: 9401 -> 10341
- Brume Legendary Wizard Hat: 10312 -> 11343
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Boots: 11238 -> 12361
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Hat: 11238 -> 12361
- Brume Legendary Wizard Boots: 12328 -> 13560
- Wither Legendary Wizard Hat: 12328 -> 13560
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Legs: 13525 -> 14201
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Boots: 13525 -> 14201
- Dread Rune: 4236 -> 4447
- Brume Legendary Wizard Legs: 14745 -> 15482
- Wither Legendary Wizard Boots: 14745 -> 15482
- Abyssal Legendary Wizard Robes: 16178 -> 16986
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Legs: 16178 -> 16986
- Brume Legendary Wizard Robes: 17751 -> 18638
- Wither Legendary Wizard Legs: 17751 -> 18638
- Wither Wand: 8716 -> 9151
- Gloom Legendary Wizard Robes: 19358 -> 20325
- Wither Legendary Wizard Robes: 21243 -> 22305
- Nether Rune: 8828 -> 9269
- Harvester's Potion: 670 -> 1340
- Corrupted Fighter Potion: 859 -> 1718
- Pieces Finder Potion: 1113 -> 2226
- Laceration Potion: 1110 -> 1942
- Gloomgrowth Potion: 1443 -> 2525
- Blighted Touch Potion: 1877 -> 2815
- Abyssal Miner Potion: 2446 -> 3669
- Shadeveil Potion: 2058 -> 2675
- Abyssal Combination Potion: 2686 -> 3491
- Fear Potion: 3510 -> 4563
- Abyssal Consumable Potion: 3278 -> 3933
- Withering Potion: 4290 -> 5148
- Silent Thief Potion: 5618 -> 6179
- Echoing Lure Potion: 4946 -> 5193
- Silence Potion: 8514 -> 9365
- Soulsnap Potion: 11181 -> 11740
- Dark Ritual Potion: 11600 -> 12180
- Corrupted Dhorn: 619 -> 1238
- Corrupted Deedree: 860 -> 1720
- Corrupted Iridan: 991 -> 1734
- Corrupted Ameria: 1531 -> 2296
- Corrupted Terra: 2018 -> 3027
- Corrupted Vale: 2656 -> 3452
- Corrupted Syllia: 3426 -> 4111
- Corrupted Arachi: 4344 -> 5212
- Corrupted Ko: 5407 -> 5947
- Corrupted Tellus: 8483 -> 8907
- Abyssal Vein: 773 -> 1546
- Twisted Vein: 896 -> 1568
- Gloom Vein: 1695 -> 2203
- Shadow Vein: 3032 -> 3638
- Obsidian Vein: 6443 -> 6765
Monster Defence Bonus Balancing
We’ve updated all Abyssal Monster defence bonuses (except Xon) to be more in line with their Attack Type and to follow the reversed Combat Triangle a bit more closely.
Abyssal Plant
- Magic Defence Bonus: 31 -> 62
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 1 -> 21
Abyssal Chicken
- Magic Defence Bonus: 36 -> 69
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 6 -> 23
Abyssal Cow
- Magic Defence Bonus: 37 -> 71
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 7 -> 24
Abyssal Scarecrow
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 38 -> 72
- Melee Defence Bonus: 8 -> 24
Abyssal Bat
- Melee Defence Bonus: 12 -> 78
- Magic Defence Bonus: 42 -> 26
Abyssal Wallclimber
- Magic Defence Bonus: 43 -> 80
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 13 -> 27
Abyssal Swooper
- Melee Defence Bonus: 14 -> 81
- Magic Defence Bonus: 44 -> 27
Crimson Leech
- Magic Defence Bonus: 39 -> 74
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 9 -> 25
Crimson Viper
- Melee Defence Bonus: 10 -> 75
- Magic Defence Bonus: 40 -> 25
Crimson Hound
- Magic Defence Bonus: 41 -> 77
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 11 -> 26
Tangled Thorns
- Magic Defence Bonus: 45 -> 83
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 15 -> 28
Tangled Serpent
- Melee Defence Bonus: 16 -> 84
- Magic Defence Bonus: 46 -> 28
Tangled Thornbeast
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 47 -> 86
- Melee Defence Bonus: 17 -> 29
Tangled Weaver
- Melee Defence Bonus: 18 -> 87
- Magic Defence Bonus: 48 -> 29
Smog Slime
- Magic Defence Bonus: 56 -> 99
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 26 -> 33
Smog Virefang
- Melee Defence Bonus: 27 -> 101
- Magic Defence Bonus: 57 -> 34
Smog Golem
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 58 -> 102
- Melee Defence Bonus: 28 -> 34
Smog Fiend
- Magic Defence Bonus: 59 -> 104
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 29 -> 35
Toxic Swarm
- Magic Defence Bonus: 60 -> 105
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 30 -> 35
Toxic Serpent
- Melee Defence Bonus: 31 -> 107
- Magic Defence Bonus: 61 -> 36
Toxic Bloom
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 62 -> 108
- Melee Defence Bonus: 32 -> 36
Blighted Mantis
- Magic Defence Bonus: 63 -> 110
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 33 -> 37
Blighted Moth
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 64 -> 111
- Melee Defence Bonus: 34 -> 37
Blighted Sprayer
- Melee Defence Bonus: 35 -> 113
- Magic Defence Bonus: 65 -> 38
Blighted Shadewing
- Melee Defence Bonus: 36 -> 114
- Magic Defence Bonus: 66 -> 38
Blighted Maw
- Magic Defence Bonus: 67 -> 116
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 37 -> 39
Blighted Wisp
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 68 -> 117
- Melee Defence Bonus: 38 -> 39
Shadow Illusion
- Magic Defence Bonus: 70 -> 120
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 40 -> 40
Shadow Trickster
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 78 -> 132
- Melee Defence Bonus: 48 -> 44
Shadow Tormentor
- Melee Defence Bonus: 49 -> 134
- Magic Defence Bonus: 79 -> 45
Dreadwalker Wight
- Melee Defence Bonus: 50 -> 135
- Magic Defence Bonus: 80 -> 45
Dreadwalker Ghoul
- Magic Defence Bonus: 81 -> 137
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 51 -> 46
Dreadwalker Revenant
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 82 -> 138
- Melee Defence Bonus: 52 -> 46
Wailing Ambusher
- Melee Defence Bonus: 53 -> 140
- Magic Defence Bonus: 83 -> 47
Wailing Shade
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 84 -> 141
- Melee Defence Bonus: 54 -> 47
Wailing Poltergeist
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 85 -> 143
- Melee Defence Bonus: 55 -> 48
Petrifying Behemoth
- Magic Defence Bonus: 86 -> 144
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 56 -> 48
Petrifying Drake
- Melee Defence Bonus: 57 -> 146
- Magic Defence Bonus: 87 -> 49
Petrifying Basilisk
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 88 -> 147
- Melee Defence Bonus: 58 -> 49
Fractured Beast
- Magic Defence Bonus: 90 -> 150
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 60 -> 50
Fractured Manticore
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 97 -> 161
- Melee Defence Bonus: 67 -> 54
Fractured Wyvern
- Melee Defence Bonus: 68 -> 162
- Magic Defence Bonus: 98 -> 54
Ravenous Razortalon
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 99 -> 164
- Melee Defence Bonus: 69 -> 55
Ravenous Shadowfang
- Magic Defence Bonus: 100 -> 165
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 70 -> 55
Ravenous Dreadwing
- Melee Defence Bonus: 71 -> 167
- Magic Defence Bonus: 101 -> 56
Withering Bonearcher
- Melee Defence Bonus: 72 -> 168
- Magic Defence Bonus: 102 -> 56
Withering Bonemage
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 103 -> 170
- Melee Defence Bonus: 73 -> 57
Withering Boneguard
- Magic Defence Bonus: 104 -> 171
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 74 -> 57
Catacomb Sporeslinger
- Melee Defence Bonus: 75 -> 173
- Magic Defence Bonus: 105 -> 58
Catacomb Terror
- Magic Defence Bonus: 106 -> 174
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 76 -> 58
Catacomb Wraith
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 107 -> 176
- Melee Defence Bonus: 77 -> 59
Catacomb Wurm
- Melee Defence Bonus: 78 -> 177
- Magic Defence Bonus: 108 -> 59
Murmuring Trapper
- Magic Defence Bonus: 110 -> 180
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 80 -> 60
Murmuring Treant
- Melee Defence Bonus: 87 -> 191
- Magic Defence Bonus: 117 -> 64
Murmuring Wollowtails
- Magic Defence Bonus: 118 -> 192
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 88 -> 64
Echo Specter
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 119 -> 194
- Melee Defence Bonus: 89 -> 65
Echo Walker
- Magic Defence Bonus: 120 -> 195
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 90 -> 65
Echo Drifter
- Melee Defence Bonus: 91 -> 197
- Magic Defence Bonus: 121 -> 66
Echo Horror
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 122 -> 198
- Melee Defence Bonus: 92 -> 66
Silentsnap Giantcrab
- Magic Defence Bonus: 123 -> 200
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 93 -> 67
Silentsnap Tortoise
- Magic Defence Bonus: 124 -> 201
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 94 -> 67
Silentsnap Siren
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 125 -> 203
- Melee Defence Bonus: 95 -> 68
Whispering Manta
- Magic Defence Bonus: 126 -> 204
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 96 -> 68
Whispering Octopus
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 127 -> 206
- Melee Defence Bonus: 97 -> 69
Whispering Drifter
- Melee Defence Bonus: 98 -> 207
- Magic Defence Bonus: 128 -> 69
Eldritch Ghoul
- Magic Defence Bonus: 156 -> 252
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 120 -> 84
Eldritch Phantom
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 158 -> 255
- Melee Defence Bonus: 122 -> 85
Eldritch Abberation
- Magic Defence Bonus: 159 -> 257
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 123 -> 86
Eldritch Seeker
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 160 -> 258
- Melee Defence Bonus: 124 -> 86
Eldritch Stalker
- Melee Defence Bonus: 125 -> 260
- Magic Defence Bonus: 161 -> 87
Eldritch Soulbinder
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 162 -> 261
- Melee Defence Bonus: 126 -> 87
Eldritch Mindeater
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 164 -> 264
- Melee Defence Bonus: 128 -> 88
Hollow Reaper
- Magic Defence Bonus: 165 -> 266
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 129 -> 89
Hollow Nightmare
- Melee Defence Bonus: 130 -> 267
- Magic Defence Bonus: 166 -> 89
Hollow Harbinger
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 167 -> 269
- Melee Defence Bonus: 131 -> 90
Void Doppelganger
- Magic Defence Bonus: 221 -> 329
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 161 -> 110
Void Apostle
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 206 -> 357
- Melee Defence Bonus: 162 -> 119
Void Harbinger
- Melee Defence Bonus: 177 -> 332
- Magic Defence Bonus: 207 -> 111
Void Dweller
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 208 -> 362
- Melee Defence Bonus: 165 -> 121
Void Nightstalker
- Melee Defence Bonus: 180 -> 336
- Magic Defence Bonus: 209 -> 112
Void Gargantuan
- Magic Defence Bonus: 229 -> 339
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 168 -> 113
Greater Void Entity
- Magic Defence Bonus: 231 -> 341
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 170 -> 114
Greater Void Vagrant
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 214 -> 371
- Melee Defence Bonus: 171 -> 124
Greater Void Artificer
- Melee Defence Bonus: 186 -> 345
- Magic Defence Bonus: 215 -> 115
Abyssara, the Abyssal Warden
- Magic Defence Bonus: 104 -> 186
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 44 -> 62
Felth, the Toxic Martyr
- Melee Defence Bonus: 144 -> 252
- Magic Defence Bonus: 72 -> 84
Karn, the Fear Bringer
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 168 -> 288
Vruul, the Withering Devourer
- Melee Defence Bonus: 192 -> 324
- Magic Defence Bonus: 120 -> 108
Anketh, the Silent Harbinger
- Magic Defence Bonus: 216 -> 360
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 144 -> 120
Za-Kul, the Tendril Nightmare
- Ranged Defence Bonus: 229 -> 380
- Melee Defence Bonus: 157 -> 127
Nhilus, the Void Gazer
- Melee Defence Bonus: 241 -> 398
- Magic Defence Bonus: 169 -> 133
Bug Fixes
- [All] Updated various issues with translations
- [All] Fixed issue where some separate sources of damage were calculated into one damage value, causing you to take a combined amount of damage. This is now done separately and will allow you to auto-eat in between these sources if required (Mostly relates to reflect damage).
- [All] Fix incorrect calculation for currency modifiers based on Regen HP.
- [All] Fix damage type checks defaulting to Abyssal XP if failing (to fix mods that implement custom Damage Types).
- [All] Fix double progression when browser throttles with reduced CPU setting disabled.
- [All] Fix Corruption menu showing after Golbin Raid without ItA
- [AoD] Fix Cursed Potion applying random curse to player instead of enemy
- [AoD] Fix incorrect numbering for Cooking relics (visual only)
- [AoD] Fix artefact chances not updating with modifier changes
- Fix combat area based equipment restrictions applying to non-active equipment sets
- Fix Void Shambler cape applying its stacks when hitting an enemy instead of when hit by enemy
- Fix Cleansed Effect not preventing Fear debuff
- Fix Nulled Effect not preventing Pestilent Embrace Regen
- Fix Level 99 Mastery Harvesting bonus affecting all veins
- Fix Abyssal XP showing when selecting refinements in Cartography
- Fix incorrect item upgrade recipes
- Toxic Fumes Wand upgrade from Brume wand instead of Gloom wand
- Toxic blast crossbow upgrade from Brumite Crossbow instead of Gloomite
- Blight warder body upgrade from Brumia body instead of Gloomia