Game Update - v1.2.2 ?8417

- Added tiny coloured dots inside the top-right character dropdown menu. These dots show what expansions are currently active and loaded.
- This addition is primarily for player support. We receive a lot of questions accompanied with screenshots, and these dots will allow us to provide specific answers based on what expansion content you have access to.
- Added a new warning/error box for Epic Games if the game detects you may have linked the wrong Epic Games account to Melvor Cloud.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Township repair cost issues with upgraded buildings sitting at 0/x built, which resulted in scenarios where it was not actually possible to repair due to lack of resources (Eg. a repair requiring Rune Essence, but it was impossible for Rune Essence to be obtained at that stage of the Skill).
- Upgraded buildings sitting at 0/x built will base their repair costs off the previous building until at least 1 of the upgraded building is constructed.
- Township should now correctly provide the ability to repair individual buildings that lost the requirements to be built.
- Regaining the requirements to build will always override the ability to repair (As constructing a new building also repairs it)
- Fixed issue where the repair button & repair costs would not display on buildings that lost the ability to be built due to population requirements.
- Fixed rendering issue for Biome requirements.
- Fixed notification elements hiding behind Bank sidebar on Mobile.
- Fixed an issue where player stats would not calculate correctly on load during a fight in very specific scenarios.
- [AoD] Fixed issue where the Mastery Magnet would not consume on a successful Archaeology action.
- [AoD] Fixed issue where Unholy Item Reductive stats would reduce when the Enemy hit you, instead of when you hit.
- [AoD] Fixed issue where Grudge Amulet was applying 5x the intended effect on the Enemy
- [AoD] Fixed issue where Discord Rich Presence would display "playing with mods" if you were training Archaeology or Cartography