Game Update - v1.2.1 ?7958

Atlas of Discovery
- Crystal Monsters in the Crystal Caves Slayer Area now drop up to 100 Crystal Binding Dust, up from 5.
- Crystal Shatterer & Crystal Manipulator Monsters in the Crystal Depths Slayer Area now drops up to 75 Pure Crystal Binding Dust, up from 5.
- Crystal Behemoth Monster in the Crystal Depths Slayer Area now drops up to 100 Pure Crystal Binding Dust, up from 5.
- Archaeology can now drop Signet Ring Half (a), Jewel of Rhaelyx and Mysterious Stones.
- Cartography can now drop Signet Ring Half (a) and Mysterious Stones. It can't drop Rhaelyx pieces due to the lack of a regular Mastery System (Hex mastery system is not compatible with the drop).
- Small Lockbox now only drops 1-10 quantity of Amulets inside, down from 10-20.
- Adjusted the weightings of items within the Small Lockbox making the Strength/Defence/Ranged/Glory/Gold Amulets more rare to obtain.
- Fixed issue where Blessed Bone Offering shop upgrade was not applying its modifier correctly to buried bones.
- Fixed issue where Mask of Weakening was not applying Weakening I correctly.
- Fixed issue where Mask of Confusion was applying a more powerful version of Confusion than intended.
- Fixed issue where Mask of Weakening & Confusion were applying the curse for the entire fight, instead of the intended 3 Turns like the original curses.
- Fixed issue where Ring of Deception's chance to receive not Combat Drops was not applying to drops outside of Dungeons.
- Also fixed an issue where the same modifier was not applying to Signet Ring drops.
- Fixed issue where DOTs applied to the player would deal 0 damage while the Enemy's Barrer was active.
Base Game
- Skill XP notifications will now display a decimal amount if the XP earned is under 1 and over 0 (Usually occurs with low level Combat XP).
- The Completion Log will now only display Skills that are part of the respective Expansion's completion. This means when AoD is set to visible, only Arch/Cartography will display. If it is set to Base/TotH, they will be hidden.
- Fixed issue where Summoning Tablet preservation was not working at all (my bad).
- All Township repair costs are now floored to avoid fractions of GP to be deducted.
- Fixed issue where Skill XP notifications would display as red text if the XP gained was under 1 XP.
- Added new Steam API functionality in preparation for Steam Client updates.